Cookie policy

Walk The Talk’s full cookie policy.


cookie policy

When you visit our website (the “Website”) or social media sites , you may provide us with two types of information: (i) personal Information – which you knowingly choose to disclose, that is collected on an individual basis and is used in accordance with our terms and conditions; and (ii) website use information which is collected on an aggregate basis as you and others browse the Website or interact with our social media sites, and is used as set out in this Cookies Policy.

You can surf the Website anonymously and access important information without revealing your identity. However, for the purposes described in this policy, we use “cookies” to measure your visits to our Website. A cookie is a small text file that our Website store on your device or web browser and can later retrieve. These cookies allow us to distinguish you from other users of the Website, but this information only allows us to identify you personally if you have previously logged on to the Website from that device, or where you have visited a Website by clicking through from a communication (such as an email) that you have received as a registered user.

We also use cookies on our Website and social media sites which are used when you share information using a sharing button or “like” button, or when you click on links on our social media pages on sites such as Facebook, Twitter or Google+. The companies that deliver this functionality, and the operators of the sites, will record that you have done this and this information may be linked to targeting/advertising activities.

In certain cases, the Website may also employ flash cookies. Flash cookies are used to improve and enhance your web browsing experience (such as enabling advertising to be specifically tailored to your interests or facilitating purchases to be transferred to your shopping basket when making a purchase).

If you choose not to delete and/or block cookies from the Website, and continue to use the Website, you are thereby consenting to our use of such cookies.